00 26/02/2005 14:53
bellissimo sto remake...da skiattassè dalle risate..[SM=x150383] [SM=x150383] [SM=x150383] [SM=x150383] [SM=x150383] [SM=x150383]
..cmq c'è da dire ke fede è bello anke in sta versione 1 po'..dark!

I'll never forget this day..Thanks U2, thanks Bono for all the emotions!

"...I wAlK tHiS EmPtY sTrEeT
On ThE bLvD. Of BrOkEn DrEaMs
WhErE ThE cItY sLeEpS
AnD I'm ThE OnLy OnE AnD I wAlK aLOnE..."

*n e m y *